Dr. Bawumia Calls for Stronger Democracy in Nigeria Amid Challenges

Jan 27, 2025 - 21:36
Jan 28, 2025 - 10:28
Dr. Bawumia Calls for Stronger Democracy in Nigeria Amid Challenges

Nigeria - 27 Jan, 2025 - Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, Ghana's former Vice President, has reiterated his support for democracy, emphasizing its importance in safeguarding individual freedoms and promoting checks and balances within governance structures.

Speaking in Nigeria on Monday, Dr. Bawumia cited Winston Churchill's famous quote, "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others," highlighting the pragmatic superiority of democracy over other systems of governance

Dr. Bawumia's remarks were made in reference to Nigeria's commitment to democratic ideals, despite existing challenges. He praised the country's dedication to democracy, citing a 2023 Open Society Barometer report, which found that 92% of Nigerians consider it important to live in a democratically governed country.

Additionally, 69% of Nigerians expressed a preference for democracy over other forms of governance.

Dr. Bawumia urged Nigerians to strengthen their democratic institutions and practices, emphasizing the role of inclusive and participatory governance in fostering national development.

 “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others,” underscoring the pragmatic superiority of democracy over other systems of governance.

“It’s not a perfect system, but it’s the best we’ve got,” he remarked, highlighting the importance of democracy in safeguarding freedoms and fostering checks and balances within governance structures.

“This should leave no doubt that democracy has been embraced by the Nigerian people,” Dr Bawumia stated, lauding the country’s commitment to democratic ideals despite existing challenges.

“Let us strengthen democracy, for it is through robust democratic systems that we can achieve greater prosperity and political stability.''

Source: Lead News Online