Who is sexualising our children? – Part 2

Who is sexualizing our children? – Part 2

Jul 24, 2024 - 15:37
Jul 24, 2024 - 15:39
Who is sexualising our children? – Part 2

The United Nations Population Funds (UNFPA) needs no introduction in Nigeria. For decades, the UNFPA has been sexualizing Nigerian girls and women.
Specifically, in 2014, the UNFPA organized what it dubbed the third Family Planning Pre-Conference which was held at the Reiz Continental Hotel, Abuja.

At that Conference, the UNFPA launched a condom-safe-sex campaign entitled, “No Hoodie No Honey”. This campaign was widely reported in the Nigerian media. The campaign was also posted on Twitter, Facebook and on other social media. The campaign was targeted at young Nigerian girls in the age.

The campaign was aimed at supplying condoms and contraceptives to these young Nigerian girls and convincing them that “safe-sex” is their right and therefore they shouldn’t be ashamed to practice “safe sex” even if the different Nigerian cultures and religions teach otherwise.
For example, one of the inscriptions on the No Hoodie No Honey roll-up stand posted on Twitter read: “Lets push for easy access to the female condom and that a woman may buy condoms without being shamed.”

First: the campaign was tainted by fraud and deception. While scientific evidence consistently shows that the condoms, which contain naturally-occurring holes, do not protect its user against infections and against HIV and rarely protect against unwanted pregnancy, the UNFPA fraudulently masquerades about the cities of Nigeria and gives the Nigerian youths the false hope that condoms protect from any misdeed. This is very irresponsible of the UNFPA.

At the same time, the Pfizer Pharmaceutical Inc., Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) rolled out in Nigeria and other African countries one-dollar injectable contraceptives called Sayana press injectable. Sayana Press is a self-injectable abortifacient. They give it to Nigerian school girls so that they can inject themselves with it and indulge in “safe sex” any way they like without getting pregnant.
About 16 years ago, an NGO called the Concerned Mothers Association, Lagos, took the Lagos State government to the Federal High Court, Lagos over the sexualization of the Integrated Science curriculum to include the techniques of kissing, masturbation, breast enlargement, abortion etc. I was one of the lawyers who appeared for the Concerned Mothers in that suit. The lead counsel in the suit was Mrs. Sylvia Sinaba SAN (of blessed memory).

I remember that when the suit came up for hearing before the judge who happened to be a female, she was completely stunned by the sexualization pleaded on the Writ and Statement of Claim. In her shock, she first took up the writ, held it up momentarily in her right hand and queried, “What is this?”. Silence enveloped the courtroom. Anyway, to cut the long judicial story short, the matter was amicably resolved out of court. In the spirit of an amicable settlement, the Lagos State government at that time yanked off the offensive portion of the Integrated Science curriculum.

Between March 27 to 29, 2017, I attended a conference which took place at the Nigerian Institute of International Affairs, Victoria Island, Lagos. One of the Speakers at that Conference was Ahmed Akanbi, a Muslim parent and a Lagos-based legal practitioner. Midway through his presentation, Ahmed did something which shocked most of the Conference attendees. He carefully dipped his hands into his handbag and brought out two English literature books containing some lewd subject matter and showed them to the audience. He told us that the two books were recommended books for primary six pupils in the primary school attended by his daughter.
The title of the first book is Tears of a bride, while the second book bears the title: Precious Child. According to Ahmed, his 9-year old daughter in Primary 6 came back home from school one day and engaged him in a conversation that bothered him about some sexual experiences. At first, Ahmed was utterly stunned that his 9 year old daughter was conversant with sex matters. But after he had regained his composure he asked his daughter where she learned about those sex experiences.

It was then that his daughter opened her mouth and narrated to him how their school teacher has been using the aforesaid two books to teach them how to practice “safe sex” and how to gain sexual pleasure. Ahmed read to the hearing of the participants some sexy portions of the two books. The participants rose to their feet in utter shock.

The most tragic is the introduction of the so-called Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) otherwise called sex education or Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Rights or Family Life Education or teen-sex education in Nigerian schools without the consent
As I scribble this, I have in front of me the CSE syllabus being used in teaching our secondary school students the techniques of masturbation, dating, putting on the condoms, sexual communications and negotiations, how to do abortion in secret, how to practice “safe-sex” in secret without getting pregnant by using contraceptives such as IUCD injectables, vaginal foams and jellies, diaphragm, hormonal implants, oral contraceptive pills, touching and examination of male and female reproductive organs, naked body images, erection, ejaculation, kissing, caressing, sterilization procedure for male by making of incision in the scrotum and by cutting and tying the vas deferens; sterilization procedure for female by cutting and tying the Fallopian tube, infertility and other immoral topics. The NGO backrolling this immoral CSE curriculum in Nigeria is called Action Health Incorporated (AHI), situate in Yaba, Lagos.

The immoral CSE is being sponsored in Nigeria by a well-known international pro-abortion organization called John D. and Catherine T. MarArthur Foundation of Chicago, U.S.A. The CSE curriculum is copied verbatim from the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS)