Only 16% of Ghanaian babies receive timely Hepatitis B vaccine - WHO

Sep 5, 2024 - 11:10
Only 16% of Ghanaian babies receive timely Hepatitis B vaccine - WHO

Accra, Ghana - The Global Media Foundation (GloMeF), an anti-corruption NGO, has launched a nationwide awareness campaign to increase vaccination coverage of Hepatitis B Birth Dose (HepB-BD) among newborns.

Raphael Godlove Ahenu, CEO of GloMeF, expressed concern over the low vaccination rate, citing WHO statistics that only 16% of babies in Ghana receive the vaccine within 24 hours of birth.

 “The absence of a national policy mandating the administration of HepB-BD further exacerbates the situation, leaving many babies at risk of perinatal transmission”, he stated. 

The campaign, dubbed "Hepatitis-Free Ghana," aims to improve vaccination coverage, facilitate timely administration, and reduce mother-to-child transmission through policy reforms, healthcare provider capacity enhancement, and public awareness.

GloMeF is advocating for the inclusion of HepB-BD in the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) to ensure all newborns are vaccinated within 24 hours of birth.

The campaign targets at least one million people, including expectant mothers and caregivers, through community-based forums, screenings, mass media outreach, and partnerships with local organizations.

The Ghana Partnership Against Hepatitis (GPAH) is implementing the campaign across the 16 regions of Ghana.

Source : Lead News Online