Renal patients demand affordable dialysis

Aug 26, 2024 - 12:52
Renal patients demand affordable dialysis

The Renal Patients Association of Ghana has encouraged political parties to prioritise making dialysis therapy more affordable nationally.

This request comes after the National Democratic Congress (NDC) vowed to build new dialysis centers in areas that currently lack such facilities.

The association's spokesperson, Kojo Ahenkorah, responded positively to the NDC's suggestion while emphasizing the need to address the high costs involved with dialysis therapy.

It [dialysis] is a big challenge for the patients. I mean, some travel far and near to come and get treatment at Korle Bu. And it is a big challenge. I have two patients and we just lost one in May. She was commuting from Begoro in the Eastern region twice a week to Korle Bu to have her dialysis and she did that for 10 years before she passed on."

“So if now they [the NDC] have a plan of setting up dialysis centres in all the 16 regions, if it is done, it is going to help and improve and help patients to have their dialysis very simple.

“And then they should look at the pricing too. I don’t know if he talked about pricing because all I heard was he was going to build 16 dialysis centres in all the 16 regions.”

Source: Lead News Online